Project Portfolio

Red Squirrel Cumbria Oak Tree

classic risk scenario: leaning tree towards playground

Oak tree Staffordshire with Rob Keyzor Arboricultural Consultants

2020/2022 PiCUS & Resi Drill

Beech tree Derby with Rob Keyzor Arboricultural Consultants

2020/2022 Climbing Inspection Shugborough Hall

with Rob Keyzor Arboricultural Consultants

Highways Tree Inspections Wales

Trees & Development; BS5837 site visit and report

2017 / 2018 Investigation into Alleged Damaged from Poplar

2018 / 2019 Investigation into Fungus on lime trees for Staffordshire Housing Association

2015/16 Presenting findings using Google Earth

BS5837 Tree Categorization, Constraints, Impacts and Protection

Accessing Crown using SRT

2016 Random Image taken whilst visiting adjacent property

How not to protect trees during development

2016 Tree Condition Report for Health Authority

Note the need for post planting maintenance: here the tree is supporting the stake and becoming damaged by tree ties

2012 Delivering Tree awareness training

For Highway's Route Stewards

2008 Safety Day Training for fountains

Demonstrations for Fountains on many occasions

Various courses delivered over many years

Builders damaged root constructing extension: root pruning, amelioration and ongoing monitoring.

2007 Trees and Proposed Development


Lime tree, virtually dead crown, with basal fungus (Kretzschmaria deusta): located in pedestrian shopping area. Removed by LA contractor.

2016 Tree Condition Survey

Tree failing at fork: unfortunately extending over main road, leading to removal by Highway contractor.

2015 Surveying trees adjacent M4 motorway with Paolo Bavaresco

See the need for good reflective material!

Decay detection with Rob Keyzor of Rob Keyzor Tree Surgeons & Arboricultural Consultants

2015 Utility Arboriculture Development

Working at City&Guilds on UA development with other authors